
Reusing a DBA

Asked by: MaryAnn  — 29 June, 2011

Can a DBA previously used in a dissolved corporation be used in a newly formed corporation?

Answered by: admin  — 29 June, 2011


Its a very good question. The answer actually depends on the state, as rules vary greatly from state to state, and in many cases county. Some states require the DBA to be registered on a county level, and some (like Texas) require registering both on state and county levels.

These are few scenarios that I know of that might work in your state:

1. The DBA is registered on the state level and becomes inactive when the corporation is dissolved. You can then register that DBA for a new corporation.

2. Your state allows using the name for more than one entity given the owner of the entity currently using the name gives consent to the use of the DBA name with another entity. If you own both that should not be a problem.

3. If the state/county does not allow using the DBA if its already registered then you will need to cancel the DBA (if it belongs to your dissolved entity) and reregister it for the new entity.

There might be few other scenarios as well. Again, to better answer your question I need to know what state and county we are talking about.

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