
Register US branch for our Canadian Corporation.

Asked by: Abraham George  — 14 May, 2012

How can I start a branch in US for our Canadian IT servicing company? My partners are non US residents and I am green card holder in USA. Now we undertake IT jobs from Canada and outsource it to our Indian branch. We would like to register the company in USA so we can obtain IT projects from USA. How we can do it without double taxation? Thank you so much in advance.

Answered by: admin  — 14 May, 2012


You would have no problem forming a business in the United States with the foreign and domestic partners. In your case, Wyoming or Delaware would be great candidate states to register your business in.

As we come across this very question quite often, I’d like to invite you to read an article written by one of my colleagues, which addresses the same question about Registering a US Branch for your Canadian Company.

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