
Question about DBA

Asked by: antonio  — 26 September, 2012

I recently started with the process on a DBA name, I sleep in the living room of my parents, do not own a house or have the money for an office rental ATM, I’m 18, and do in home. Computer repair and websites “never work at home “, I honestly don’t know what to do, the county requires a fire inspection, my father doesn’t want me to say that my business is in that house because… let’s just say he is special. Can I just ask a friend to let me put the business in their home address?

Answered by: admin  — 26 September, 2012


That is a strange case. I never heard about fire inspections for computer repair and website building businesses.

I presume the county wants to check if your parent’s home is safe, meaning you will not set it on fire while building someone’s website. That’s one hell of a nanny county. Unfortunately, listing your friend’s address as the business address means you will technically have to have your business located there. I do understand your dad though – it is better not to give the government agent another reason to knock on your door.

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