
Online Business by a Canadian Resident

Asked by: sara  — 29 September, 2011

Hello there,

We are Canadian Residents who own an online business and work extensively with marketplaces such as Amazon and we require W9 as well as Fed Tax ID to work with certain US manufacturers. We currently have a mailing address and bank account in Washington however are considering registering an LLC in Wyoming based on your recommendations. We do not have a residential address in US.

Do you recommend we go that we go ahead with the LLC in Wyoming?

Do we require service of mail forwarding companies to establish LLC since we do not have residential address or social security number?

What is the average cost for setting everything that we require up? I have looked at, are there any other credible sites that you recommend?

Thank you


Answered by: admin  — 29 September, 2011

Dear Sara,

Judging by the description of the business a Wyoming LLC would work very well for your needs. As you know by now you don’t need any address in Wyoming to incorporate or form LLC, with only the exception of maintaining a registered agent (a service which we provide for $99 a year). That means you can use your address in Canada as the business and mailing address.

You also don’t need to have a social security number to establish an LLC, since your EIN can be obtained without SSN.

Finally, to your question about an average cost of such service: as you notice in our logo this website is in fact “brought to you by“. Our team at, myself included, maintain this website as a free resource for everyone to make it easier to go through the process of forming your company (especially for international clients, as the name “MyUSACorporation” implies).

I am sure there are many good incorporation companies out there, however I hope you understand why I would naturally abstain from recommending other services. On our end we are proud to offer very competitive prices for all services we provide, and strive to give the best service on the market.

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