
Domesticate my Florida business in Nebraska

Asked by: Kristie Vanthul  — 2 April, 2012

I have a FL LLC and I want to domesticate it in NE. I have tried asking numerous accountants and no one has been able to help me. I have also tried the secretary of state and got no where with the either. Can you please help me?

Answered by: admin  — 2 April, 2012


As entity domestications can be a somewhat complicated process, I myself had to conduct a fair amount of research which also included calling the state offices. Fortunately, this process is a little quicker and easier for an LLC than it is for a corporation.

In order to domesticate your business from Florida in Nebraska, the following steps would be required in a particular order:

– Present a recently issued (less than 30 days prior) Certificate of Good Standing from Florida to the Nebraska state offices,
– Submit the application for domestication along with the state filing fee,
– Amend the EIN to reflect new company domicile,
– File the dissolution paperwork with Florida state along with appropriate state fees

– Typically new LLCs in Nebraska are required to do newspaper publication regarding their formation. I would have to research further if such requirement also applies to domesticated LLCs, but I would suggest to count that in, just in case.

Keep in mind that you will need to specify a registered agent with a physical Nebraska address on the domestication application, so you would want to make sure you have that detail worked out and set up prior to submitting any applications.

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