
Change the state of incorporation

Asked by: Travis  — 20 June, 2012

How can I change the state of incorporation from Kansas to Texas?

Answered by: admin  — 20 June, 2012


The state of Texas does not have a filing procedure allowing redomesticating of out of state entities. This leaves you with 2 realistic options:

1. You could file your Kansas company as a Foreign Entity in Texas. This would allow your business to keep the same EIN and formation date, along with other accounts such as the company bank account. The disadvantage of going the foreign entity route would be that your company would be registered as an active business in both states, leaving you responsible for both state’s annual fees, respectively.

2. You could register a new entity in Texas and then dissolve the Kansas entity. You could apply to both of these at the same time since they would be different filings in different states (unless there are assets). This course of action would be a little cheaper for you, however get a company with a new date of formation, EIN, and subsequently you’d have to open a bank account again. Also, all assets of Kansas company (if any) would first need to be orderly transfered to the new Texas entity before the Kansas one is dissolved.

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