
Best Entity for an Artist

Asked by: Liza  — 17 March, 2011

I was wondering what I need in order to sell my photography or paintings at art festivals.

Answered by: admin  — 17 March, 2011

Dear Liza,

In order to charge sales tax on your merchandise you should obtain a Sales Tax ID in the state where you intend to do business.

Additionally, you may want to register a DBA in your county or your state (depending on where you are) to officially transact business under your name (or another name of your choosing). Even better, consider opening an LLC or a Corporation which will not only allow you to do business under a company name, but will also give you the benefit of protecting your personal possessions from the debts or any other liabilities of your business.

I hope you find this answer helpful. Please feel free to email us with more questions.

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